Clara talks about space at a school classroom.

Clara Froment during her public outreach by the Lycée Français d’Oslo. Photo: Private

Astrophysics in the classroom

Hi, I am Clara and I am a solar physicist. My typical day at work consists of analysing observations and simulations of the solar atmosphere. But, as many researchers, that is not what I do all the time...

Av Women in Astrophysics
Publisert 19. mars 2019
Clara Froment was former researcher at RoCS - Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, UiO

This article is written by Clara Froment

... Being a scientist is also sharing your knowledge with people. Public outreach in particular is something that I appreciate very much.

A week ago I had the great pleasure to talk about the Solar System with elementary school pupils from Den Franske Skolen i Oslo (also known as “Lycée Français d’Oslo”).

In fact, everyone was very keen on learning things not only about the Sun, planets and other objects that populate our planetary system, but also about the Universe in general and among other things, black holes and galaxies. I showed very nice pictures of our neighbouring planets and I talked also about what it is like to be an astronomer.

Many had a great amount of very good questions (many potential future scientists!) and it was a very fun experience for me. So great to see so much interest!

And of course talking about the mysteries of the Universe in my mother tongue is always great :)

Many thanks to the teachers: Anne and Sébastien who organised this event for their classes and of course to the CM2 (5th grade) pupils for their enthusiasm.

Emneord: Astrofysikk